How to get Plant Orema in The Planet Crafter

This guide will tell you how to obtain plant orema in The artisan of the planet for what is used and how it can be used to accelerate terraformation.

Why is Plant Orema used in The artisan of the planet?

Plant Orema serves for several purposes in The artisan of the planet. One of the best uses at the beginning of the game is to place it on certain oxygen generation devices, such as Flower Spreader, to improve its generation of oxygen. You can also put it in a pot as decoration.

However, Plant Orema is best used as elaboration material for Tree Seed Waste. This gives you a tree seed that works by 25% better than the others when it is placed in a tree spreader, which accelerates the generation of oxygen and causes the terraformation faster.

Can you manufacture Plant Orema in The artisan of the planet?

No, you can not create plant orema in The craftsman of the planet.

How to unlock Plant Orema in The artisan of the planet

Day One Survival With a Twist | Planet Crafter Gameplay | Part 01 You can unlock Plant Orema by progressing terraforming to the Flora stage, just after Lakes. This is the same moment when the zeolite should begin to appear.

WARNING: Plant Orema seems to be a finite resource!

Plant orema does not reappear for what I can say. That means this is one of the few resources in the game with a finite amount. Fortunately, you can use the recycling machine to recover the handmade components of anything you have done with Plant Orema and do something else in place. Plant Volnus and Zeolite also seem to be finite resources.

Where to find the Orema plant in The artisan of the planet

Plant Orema can be found at Grand Rift and its surroundings after Flora Terraformation Stage. As seen in our header image, it is quite difficult to overlook it: be attentive to a high floor with bright pink flowers. You can also obtain them in areas blocked by a fusion energy reactor on abandoned boats.

Here are all places where we have found Plant Orema:

List of The craftsman of planet Plant Orema Locations

  • 1572: 25: 520
  • 1769: 2: 329
  • 1918: 2: 51
  • 715: 77: -594
  • 1127: 19: 92
  • 1181: 74: 114

We have finished with our guide on how to obtain Plant Volnus in _The creator of planets, _ but that is not everything we cover: Take a look at some of our other guides too!

more The craftsman of the planet Guides


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