Radiant Zelda Cosplay from Twilight Princess Not only links

The Cosplayerin Emily rejects once again that Cosplay not just means attracting beautiful costumes. If you do not want to buy Cosplays already finish, making them yourself. This sometimes means to attract yourself one or two new crafts. Previously, Emily does not scare back and delight us again with one of her homemade cosplay. This time she embodies Princess Zelda from the popular Nintendo game The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess .

A radiant Zelda

Emily or as it is called under her alias "Universeofemily", referred to in her Instagram profile as a craftsman and cosplayer. Your craftsmanship skills can also be seen directly on your latest cosplay. This time she embodies a beautiful Princess Zelda from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

Below you can watch Emily's Zelda in your reddit post. In the second picture she has even compared her cosplay with her everyday appearance.

Everything made by hand

Each part of her costume has made the young cosplayer from Colorado himself. You can see your detailed accessories that understand themselves in dealing with Eva Foam . Eva Foam is a foam that finds a lot of use especially in the cosplay scene, as it can be bend well with strong heat and remains in the wanted shape.

Through his ease he is very well suited for armor and accessories. The princess dress sewn her myself, the embroidery, which decorate the edges, are embroidered by hand.

ECG preliminary Finland 2017. Princess Zelda & Link - The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess

More Cosplays of Emily and Co.

The cosplayer Emily is already known here at PC Games. She has given her version of the Hexer Geralt from The Witcher for some time ago. Here you can watch your Genderbent cosplay. Another recurring guest with us is "Aselvert" with your version of a Zelda cosplay. Here you also get a great TIFA from Final Fantasy 7 and from the current occasion we have a detailed aloy from Horizon Forbidden West.

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