Black Desert Online deploys its Eternal Winter Extension and is temporarily distributed for free

Black Desert Online has been officially available for many years (since 2015 in Korea, 2016 in the West and 2019 on consoles) and the challenge of all "old" MMORPG is to succeed in playing together veterans and newcomers. To achieve this, Black Desert offers punctually "new start" servers to progress faster. Today, the action mmo makes the bet of an extension that addresses both the new players and old.

A redesigned and scripted progression

In concrete terms, the free Winter Extension Eternal which is deployed today adds a new starting area to (re) discover the game from level 1, in a renewed gaming experience.

Does this say that it will take (re) start a long and laborious progression to reach the end-game? Precisely no. The studio Pearl Abyss Imagines a new way to apprehend progress in Black Desert. At Level 1, our character lost the memory and will have to rediscover the world around it and relearn combat mechanics at the same time as the new player. The pearl abyss trick consists in scronaring this new experience through a long line of scriptworn quests (more than 130 missions that are along), animated by cinematics often lined vocally to immerse yourself in a history as much as possible. in a new country (and some others along the way). The pressed players will reach a respectable level in less than a dozen hours, the others can take the time to discover the story and in both cases, this kind of prologue will allow the equipment, pets and Other frames needed for any hero worthy of the name.

Without going over, we imagine that the development teams of the Pearl Abyss studio leveraged the experience gained in the development of Crimson Desert , the online RPG currently in development at the South Korean studio And who must specifically make the part beautiful to discovery, narration and free progress in an open world.


Everything New In Black Desert Online's Eternal Winter Expansion Overview of Black Desert Online Eternal Winter Mountain Contingency

new playable class: the drakania

For veterans discarded by the idea of starting their adventure again, the extension also makes it possible to keep its character of high level.

And for the curious veterans to discover some new sensations, the Eternal Winter extension also unlocks a new playable class, the Drakania (the 24th of Black Desert Online), which manages a long blade (slayer) and a dart (shard), for Better focusing dragons through "ions", the resource of the class will have to load before launching devastating assaults. The class thus revolves around offensive capacities, having to improve its ability to survive and relaxing on a high mobility (it was evoked).


Preview of Black Desert Online Drakania Gameplay and Combos

Black Desert distributed for free until April 13

And as the Hiver Eternal extension is for new players, Pearl Abyss distributes the Black Desert Online traveler's view for free (which contains the basic game and extension) until April 13, now on The official website and from tonight on Steam. The opportunity to (re) discover the MMO of action to good account - especially as the exit of the extension is also accompanied by the opening of a seasonal server designed to progress faster. Notice to the curious.


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