Twitch: Streaming service suffers from personnel disposals

According to a new report by Bloomberg, the streaming service Twitch has been struggling since the beginning of 2022 with numerous outlines of important executives.

For example, employees who include positions Chief Operating Officer, Chief Content Officer and Head of Creator Development, have left the streaming service this year.

In total, 2022 60 employees have to leave Twitch. There are also 300 departures from last year.

Marcus "DJ Wheat" Graham, former Head of Creator Development leads the exodus of employees to new executives who would not understand the twitch community. Another former Twitch staff confirms Graham's theory and speaks of missing empathy and understanding of the product.

Furthermore, it says in the report that, above all, a considered new monetization model for discrepancies between new and old-established employees should have taken care of. The latter should have warned before the introduction, the former the warnings have ignored.

How Adin Ross Became a Millionaire on Twitch | The Blueprint Another planned change should also be encountered within the company. Twitch feels uncomfortable when employees of the middle and lower levels push for changes, such a former employee.

In an explanation of Twitch towards Bloomberg, the company expresses itself to the topic as follows:

"The red thread for all employees is the drive to serve our community - of employees, who themselves started as Streamer, to those who integrate into the Twitch culture when they start at Twitch."

"To serve such a dynamic community as of Twitch means that there is not always a clear solution or answer, and therefore we have always believed to be experimental and innovative - even if this means a courageous product or experiment Bringing on the market, which may have short-term risks, but ultimately helps us to develop the best possible solution. "


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