FFXIV housing update: when to expect correction of housing lottery errors

After the initial fiasco associated with the new housing in the Ishgard area, Square Enix diligently informed players about the current correction status. On April 22, 2022, the fourth subsequent post on this issue was published.

In a letter from the director and producer of Naoki Yoshida, players may expect that the system of lottery and housing will work somewhere after update 6.11 of April 26, 2022. The unknown date .

At the moment, the team has been able to reproduce the problem and continue the investigation. They also corrected the identified errors. Currently, they are in the process of checking the specified corrections, and as soon as this step is completed, they will proceed to the restoration of the lottery data.

It is impressive that Square Enix was able to effectively isolate part of the game working in real time, and turn it off to eliminate problems and repair, without affecting the rest of the game. This, combined with operational attention and clear communication, helped weaken the unrest in the community. Cross your fingers so that the correction comes earlier than later.

FFXIV Housing Lottery System Bugs Keep Players Out

To learn more about Final Fantasy, check out the section "Refugees from Tera" and "Final Fantasy XIV in search of a new home" in Pro Game Guides.


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